Kieran Klaassen

I'm Kieran, a creator and engineer, composer and baker. I craft with love, creating code to croissants. My journey is one of curiosity and discovery, guided by a simple vision: to inspire and be true to myself.

ToolTailor: Simplifying Ruby JSON Schema Creation

I created ToolTailor, a Ruby gem designed to convert Ruby methods and classes into OpenAI-compatible JSON schemas.

The Power of ToolTailor

At its core, ToolTailor does one thing: it takes Ruby methods or classes and converts them into OpenAI-compatible JSON schemas. Here’s a simple example:

class WeatherService
  # Get the current weather in a given location.
  # @param location [String] The city and state, e.g., San Francisco, CA.
  # @param unit [String] The temperature unit to use. Infer this from the user's location.
  # @values unit ["Celsius", "Fahrenheit"]
  def get_current_temperature(location:, unit:)
    # Implementation details

schema = ToolTailor.convert(WeatherService.instance_method(:get_current_temperature))

With just a single line of code, we’ve transformed a Ruby method into a schema that OpenAI can understand and work with. It’s that simple.

Beyond Methods: Handling Classes

ToolTailor isn’t limited to just methods. It can handle entire classes too:

class User
  # Create a new user
  # @param name [String] The user's name
  # @param age [Integer] The user's age
  def initialize(name:, age:)
    @name = name
    @age = age

schema = User.to_json_schema

This flexibility allows us to seamlessly integrate our existing Ruby structures with OpenAI’s API, opening up new possibilities for AI-powered applications.

Real-World Application

Imagine giving an AI assistant a deep understanding of your application’s structure. Here’s a glimpse of what that might look like:

response =
  parameters: {
    model: "gpt-4",
    messages: [{ role: "user", content: "Create a user named Alice who is 30 years old" }],
    tools: [ToolTailor.convert(User)],
    tool_choice: { type: "function", function: { name: "User" } }

# Process the AI's response and create the user